Thursday, September 8, 2011

Day 2 - My favorite Lesson

After the Warmup:
We looked at the following examples of a Contour Drawing

A clever and much used method by artists to measure and acertain correct proportion of a item or subject matter being drawn is to measure with an out stretched arm and a pencil.
To establish the relative size of an object…. Hold your pencil at arm’s length – elbow locked – one eye closed -  aligning the top of the pencil with the top of the object to be measured.  Slip your thumb down the pencil to the place where the bottom of the object lands on the pencil. That is your basic unit of measurement.  Everything else is measured in relationship to that unit.  If you are measuring a Chair… find to overall height.  Then measure the width using the pencil in the same way and determine what percentage of the overall it is. 
 As in, the height was ½ the length of my pencil but the width is ¼ the pencil length. 
When you draw your chair, you will draw the width ½ as long as the Height.

To Establish the visual axis of a wall or item etc... Use your pencil also by holding it up and alining it with the item to be drawn.   Maintain that angle as you lower your pencil to your drawing paper and scribe that as the true visual line of the item. It is surprizing how often our preconcived ideas are at odds with what we really see.

Finally My favorite part!!!
Drawing upside down.
Since we tend to draw in code or symbols and not what we really see....
when you invert a drawing and concentrate on the bend and the shape of the line you will draw what you see not what you remember.

 What I love the most about this lesson is that....
once people give this an honest try the begin to believe that they can draw...

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