Friday, September 16, 2011

Fried ayyyy 9.16.11

Happity Weekend.

Thursday 9.15.11 A bowl of Marbles

Even though we gridded our Faces yesterday we are going to work on and complete the "Bowl of Marbles" as a preliminary to our gridded portrait...

But even before that let's talke about Value...

What is Value... in the drawing sense...

Value is...
The lightness or the darkness of a color

To get a grasp of this we made a 6 sectioned Value Scale....
starting by sectioning of a note card
then making the far right rectangle the darkest value.
Then going to the second retangle from the left and creating the lightest value next to the pure white of the paper.  After that we found the middle tone of retangle # 4 and once we visually found the halfway value between #2 and #6 we found the half way value of #5 by comparing #4 and #6.  We found the half way value of #3 by comparing #2 and #4. 

It is helpful to squint to compare the relationships of value.
                              1      2     3     4     5     6
Values are tricky - because we are hard wired to interperate color/ value in context or inrelationship to what is around them...
Case in point - please view the following video...

Finally we are worked on a Hand-Out that helps us shade and practice our values.
Replicate the following gradations of value on the worksheet below.
Thanks to Artfactory for the example.

Shading Exercise 1

Shading Exercise 2
Exercise 2
Shading Exercise 3
Exercise 3
Shading Exercise 4
Exercise 4
Shading Exercise 5
Exercise 5
Shading Exercise 6
Exercise 6
Shading Exercise 7
Exercise 7

Shading Exercises

Tomorrow (Friday - the 16th)
the following drawings are due:

1. Penny and box drwg.

2. Shapes with depth

3. Squiggle turned into an item

4. 5 shapes overlapping

5. Copy the squiggle in the box

6. Grid puzzle drawing

7. Upside down person/horse

Wednesday 9.14.11

In Preparation for Drawing a Self Portrait..
All of the Students Faces were Printed in a 8 x 10 Black and White format. 
Here are just a few of them....

Then We Sharpied a 3/4" grid on to a plactic sheet cover and placed it over the photo
like so:

 Finally We penciled a LIGHT  1" x 1" grid or larger on to a white construction paper.
In the coming days we will draw the portrait on to the gridded construction paper slightly growing the image .